Monday, July 1, 2013

Zip Off Your Taxes to the IRS

Why are we, the citizens of the USA, seemingly not protesting for all that we hear and see being done to erode away our freedoms at what seems like a faster pace than ever today?

In preparing my blog post for my business blog for introverts and baby boomers, I happened across these 3 separate events that have an anniversary today:

  • The IRS was established by an act of Congress in 1867 to collect taxes.
  • Payroll income tax withholding began in 1943, of course, overseen by the IRS.
  • Zip code program began by US Post Office in 1963

Goes hand in hand with John Stossel's latest rant about the 100 Things I Hate About Government. Likely he had more on his list but 100 in a list fits rather tidily in an infographic.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Healthcare Claim Denied? You Might Be Labeled – Troublemaker

Do you remember the couple of health insurance scenes in John Q. with Denzel Washington? "We've recently switched carriers from a PPO to an HMO." Leads to, "It doesn't seem right does it?"

That means, restrictions, less coverage and ultimately a "disapprove this claim" stamp.

Every month we dutifully pay for my healthcare plan.

One change over the years that is a plus is that many healthcare carriers recognize chiropractors as providing valid services. That's a plus for me since degenerative back disease is something that affects me on a daily basis. Usually, just a once a month visit to my chiropractor let's me carry on with daily mobility activities pain free.

Last year my chiropractor provider stopped participating with the sub carrier on my plan. It turns out my PPO carrier subbed out the chiropractor services to an HMO type carrier. It was 80% less reimbursement for 80% more red tape.

Echo that movie line, "We've recently switched carriers from a PPO to an HMO."

Monday, June 3, 2013

Rave: Want to Rant? Today it feels better to rave

Yesterday, and today, for the first time I can recall, I went immediately from waking into my meditation before doing anything else. This isn't my normal way of doing things. But the effects of changing this routine are fabulous.

At the end of the previous night when I was thinking about what to blog about, it was a rant, a rant that I know I will come to back about our oppressive health care system.

That all changed when I changed up the morning. Before I started on this particular new routine, meditating would start after a few other morning activities. It's always centering and my mind gets calmer and my focus is clearer.

But when I started with the meditation I'd like to think it was my clarity causing me to shift my priorities.

Later in the early morning, my husband and I headed out to a car show with each of our favorite collector car, our Ferrari. Now you might be thinking something wildly pleasant. I mean most people do when they think something like, a Ferrari. 

Monday, May 20, 2013

Rant: How to Fool Yourself into Happiness Seeing Your Parents Age

Ah to be young again. That's likely what my mom, 85 years old, is saying too. And my husband's mother, 86. Heck even my dad, he's 89.

Seeing your parents age is beyond things like – they forget to pay a bill, you see they have less hair, and their walk is slower. That was an earlier stage. One that likely most of us just silently pass through, feeling things are pretty much the same.

What follows those almost unnoticed changes might be dementia, falls that break something only to land a parent in hospital stays where often there are more complications. Time moves on when you all of a sudden realize things are different.

Yesterday my youngest sister called me per usual with a weekly update of mom. Here's something like she recalls the visits with me these days.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Love: Life Lessons from a Classic Car in Show

For almost 10 years my husband and I were privileged to own a 1933 Packard V12 Roadster. The feelings I expressed from the beginning are that we were caretakers for this work of art. 

The car, no we never named it, seemed to have a spirit of it's own.

It won Concours d'Elegance, one after another, bringing home for us 13 top in class or best in show awards. This French title of a car show is reserved for only the most prestigious of cars and is by invitation only. We got those from Amelia Island to Hilton Head to Rhode Island and more, and would bring home either a unique plaque, a crystal bowl or in one case, a Rolex.

During the last two years when we have the exhilarating success of winning best in show, the Packard let us know that she could teach us some lessons.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Let's Be Honest About Honesty – National Honesty Day

Isn't it interesting that we start out April with – April Fool's Day of which all tricks get played and lies get told, and then we end the day for a balance of – honesty?

Taking an introspective look at honesty, I searched for some quotations that might help us each examine our own ability to be authentic in what we say and do.

Quotations often hold wisdom in just a short about of words.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Rave: Google Creatively Reminds Us, It's Earth Day

Intuitively we know that earth day must be all about loving our planet earth. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle is the call of the day.

If you use Google to search the internet today, you'll find it reminds you with a video animation, the one above  – the play button is portrayed as the sun. When you press it, it starts an animation through the four seasons.

 It a nutshell, the day is about supporting life, the life of our planet. It knows no religion, no gender, no specific group of people. It's just about people around the world rallying in their own way, alone or in groups to save water, air, land, and energy.

At the Earth Day website,, you can find activities, events and a blog detailing activities around the world.

You might find your own neighborhood has events going on all week.

In the Williamsburg, VA area we have –