Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Rant: Will We Ever Have the Care Put Back in Health Care

Have you ever helped in a care-giving role? I find whether you are the daughter or the wife, or  something else, this is one of the most important responsibilities, care giving, that can happen in life.

Let's start where we are with a most recent situation for being a care giving daughter. Thankfully, I share this role with 2 sisters. {EAV:85651c5463aebf55}

At 85 years old and having landed in the hospital 3 times in less than a year, twice for a broken hip, wouldn't you think that someone along the rehabilitation route might have some understanding for her being in constant pain? Or want to keep the family in the loop. 

Oh wait, that is another rant. Here's what blind sided me yesterday.

I got a call from the Adult Day Care that mom goes to on Long Island NY. Now granted, we so want mom to be able to go back, even though this is where she fell for the second time, breaking the right hip. Being with people her own age just did miracles for her spirit.

When they called, what would you venture it was about?

Did they want to know how mom was doing? Period?

Were they interested to see if they could help? Period?

Did they want to send her a get-well card signed by all? Period.


So what was I thinking?

          Their call went close to this, "So when is mom going to get out and come back?"

          Me, "We don't know yet. She isn't doing well."

          Them, "Then we will need to log her out as a resident and start the paperwork all over again later."

          Me in amazement, "oh of course."

         Them, "When do you think she will be back so we can set things in motion for the paperwork."

          Me getting frustrated, "I have no idea."

          Them pushing me, "Well what is your plan?"

          Me pushed, "Plan? We don’t have a plan. She isn't doing well." (And I want to shout out, she can't yet walk, she is depressed and who wouldn't be.)

          Finally a little break they ask, "Oh well how is she doing?"

          Me getting clearer, "Not well either emotionally or physically. We'll call you when we she is out and may be ready to come back."

Excuse me, Adult Day Care? Why was your caring expressed after focusing on the payment, instead of the pain?

I'm well aware people who work in hospitals, nursing homes, day care facilities, all have a job to do. It's just that for once in my life, I'd love to experience the care before the payment.

Are you or have you been in a care giving mode for anyone?

Have you had any more positive experiences?


  1. My father-in-law has had a couple of strokes in the last six months. He actually received very personal and helpful care from the hospital social worker. An adult son lives with him (they live on a farm) and we have a person come in for half a day to keep him company.

    I'm astounded at the treatment you received from your mother's daycare.

    Best wishes,
    Patricia Haag

    1. Oops. Wrong place for reply.

      It is so uncertain with the QUALITY of care you find. Some ARE terrific. Trust me, I'll write about those as well coming up.

      Thanks Patricia.
