Monday, July 1, 2013

Zip Off Your Taxes to the IRS

Why are we, the citizens of the USA, seemingly not protesting for all that we hear and see being done to erode away our freedoms at what seems like a faster pace than ever today?

In preparing my blog post for my business blog for introverts and baby boomers, I happened across these 3 separate events that have an anniversary today:

  • The IRS was established by an act of Congress in 1867 to collect taxes.
  • Payroll income tax withholding began in 1943, of course, overseen by the IRS.
  • Zip code program began by US Post Office in 1963

Goes hand in hand with John Stossel's latest rant about the 100 Things I Hate About Government. Likely he had more on his list but 100 in a list fits rather tidily in an infographic.

When looking at the 3 separate events that fall on this day, and tying them into your own list of things you hate about government, can you see any pattern or commonality? I thought about this for myself.

I see a lot about control – our government controlling the people. They want to watch us, track us, and have power over us.

They vote themselves a better standard of living than most of us work hard for everyday. Lifetime pensions, insider trading allowed, exempt from Obamacare. They are some kind of special.

Why would people like it that the government monitors our almost every action, but takes themselves out of the equation?

With the little they do accomplish, if congressional people (they are no longer leaders in my vocabulary) were forced to work in the private sector, I'm certain 90% of our so-called representatives would be fired by now.

Our government officials are not what I would call representatives at all; at least they are not representing me. So from now on to me, they are simply corrupt politicians.

Some citizens say, talk to our congressman and senators and local politicians about our dissatisfaction. Let them know their time in office is limited. Because rather than them being able to swiftly solve problems, they can only swiftly create more of them.


We just seem to keep voting the same people back in year after year.

Without our freedom and liberty, we just become less of America. More of a country that people flee from.

Short of term limits, which these muckety mucks would never vote into law, we the people need to vote everyone of them out of office.

Every one.

Not just our local politicians, but every politician. It doesn't matter what party they represent.

Or besides zipping off our taxes to the IRS every year, soon we will need to zip up our mouths and blogs because it will be a crime.

Makes no sense.

What do you think?

Is the government controlling too much of our lives?

What is it about? All the laws and regulations they put into effect that seem to hurt many and help few?

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